I have thought of 101 things to do after the exams,
and kept dreaming of them during the exam period.
but guess what, i forgot what i was supposed to do,
so here i am, blogging and trying to entertain you people ;D
emaths was basically okay, and the talk after school until 10+ was zzzz...
it was raining like ... in the morning, we had to stuff our locker holes with tissue o.O
right, forget about those boring stuff, i shall focus on what we did AFTER the exams today ;D
{anyway, i'll forget stuff to do at home, but i won't ever forget shopping man xD}
when zzz talk was over, kaiying, alicia, ashley, jesslin and i met in the tower hall and
prepared to celebrate outside, wooohooo!
guess what! it was still raining yupyup, so alicia and jesslin shared a brown yakult
umbrella (xD), me and kaiying a WHITE one (White is like the purest colour on earth, symbolises purity and holiness) and ashley...a HOTPINK one.
no wonder nobody was sharing umbrellas with her! no offence lol, white is nicer ^^
walked down the hill and wait, what were we talking about omg haha! i can't remember,
and happy birthday christopher! lol random...
and its BUGIS JUNCTION for us, and i met raquel's mom on the mrt! hello raquel's mom! and
she said i grew taller! :D
we took like, damn long to decide what to eat, and tadda! it was seoul garden! everybody was like, zzzz, quick decide what to eat, i'm STARVING!
ohwait, let me correct, it was only alicia and ashley saying that! xD
anyway the first thing ashley said to me before we left school was
"can we eat first? i'm starving!" and
"what are we going to eat?" LOL!
yup, crossed the bridge and wow, i see heaven!
being the indecisive people we were, we ignored ashley's persistent grumblings about her growling and rumbling stomach, continued to stare and the cute stuffed frogs at sakae and walked around trying to see what's nicer.
of course, nobody can resist the almighty power of the ashley and her puppy whinings,
i gladly raised up my five fingers when the person at the counter (??) asked for the number of human beings i had with me.
12+ per person, quite a reasonable price for around 2 hours of joy, it'll easily be used up in an arcade or more importantly, the shopping mall.
talk about the temptations of a mall, i'll get to that later.
and so we settled down to a table and began choosing our food,
with alicia and ashley on one side and kaiying, jesslin an i squished on the other side ^^
nevermind we're all married anyway, it won't make much of a difference.
so i took MY FAVOURITE- sliced beef and chicken
jesslin, her FISHES, kaiying's favourites are the same as mine,
and behold..the COFFEE CHICKEN.
that was cool, i could smell coffee while frying it. xD
while jesslin was busy frying her fishes (i swear she ate more than 12 of them this meal)
the disgusting and interesting side of me told me to play with my food.
and so i did.
armed with a pair of chopsticks, i began to fry tofu, noodles, beef, chicken.
the result was pretty good, with kaiying and jesslin having an interest in them (yes i know i'm INFLUENTIAL)
lo and behold, our product, fried tofu placed elegantly on a piece of leaf, topped with multicoloured (burnt until it became green, yellow, red and brown) and your favourite--burnt meat. the result was pretty much unexpected, with it looking much nicer than i thought it would be. xD
the underside of the tofu with its toppings removed, fried till its death, 1 minute of silence for our dear tofu please.
and when we went to take more food, we saw MR SPONGEBOB! a man clad in an ever-so-cute spongebob shirt.
alicia suggested we take a photo of the shirt, so we did.
WE WENT UP TO THE MAN (with his girlfriend) and asked "can we please take a photo of your shirt"
actually, alicia said that while i was too embarrassed and looked away, they broke into laughter and said "later, later!"
ahh, the long wait. so we got our food to satisfy ourselves mentally (i mean myself)
fishes for jesslin again, and beef and chicken. how boring can i meal get?
i guess not, with our weird conversations (wait, i think the weird ones were started by me)
see, i began telling them about mummification and commiting suicide and murder and discovery channel.
they were so interested, jesslin told us about human eyeballs being sucked out due to the difference in air pressue, alicia was telling us about suicide.
then was the topic of our siblings, our pocket money, people, dressing, shopping, studies and anything you'd have thought of.
but, nobody can beat the topic of the sick and twisted.
in art class, we talk about it almost everylesson.
here, anything can be related to certain parts of the body.
talk about sausages and fishballs.
this talk on sick matters continued for so long,
alicia and ashley decided to get themselves icecream.
ashley, do you know how much icecream you took -.-
compare alicia's and ashley's.....well its okay, we understand the excitement of stepping into seoul garden, the place where you can mix food however you want...^^
while jesslin cracked eggs into the soup, i scooped up the egg yolk and took a picture of it; doesn't it look bright and inviting? :D
you can't sue us for food wastage, we practically finished everything, ignore the person who keeps coming to clear our food -.-
kaiying popping her head out in interest, while jesslin pokes at her fish
POKEPOKE. pokeye. sorry that's only entitled for her.
sure, i'm so charismatic, i hold the powers of making ashley and alicia laugh so much. wait, what were they laughing about? o.O
strike a pose, its the monkey and the puppy acting sexy! haha jkjk.
BEEF, CHICKEN AND FISH! are love, really. they don't contribute to food wastage at least :D
kaiying's favourite function of my handphone; paranoma mode!
while i try to do uhm, CPU to our dear fire extinguisher.
HEY don't criticise this picture, its my favourite one for the day!
they continue frying and cooking food...
and after that got bored and poured icecream into the frying pan hurhur.
its jesslin in my idea. and ky's! we're geniuses (person whom i've inherited the ego genes from, ohman...) and its cool. its bubbling and becomes hard! :D
and ashley continues pouring icecream into the grilling pan,
i go up to take some icecream and toppings.
they include tadpoles, agaragar, hawthorn, natadecoco and frogs eggs.
now really, look at the picture, what do you think of, HAHAHA
told you we were sick, but tadpoles are nice!
in ashley language, they're love.
cell division of the startstar cell.
unwanted tadpoles disposed into the icecream concoction,
making them die due to the high temperatures.
oh, i'm reminded of denaturation of enzymes.
POKES at the tadpole...
and then we realised we've been there for 2 hours and decided to leave..
so long, seoul garden, i'll miss you.
bird's eye view from the bridge,
cool hur! hot and cool! loves! ^^
failure shot #1
and! the nicest groupshot of the day! our legs!
and hello people, wear your ahs socks i feel extra -.-
and anyway the shopkeeper was staring at us, we left to take neos.
here they are:
SO randomly decorated, with alicia being our main target! and the last one says i'm talking to yamapi on the phone since there's a buta (pig) there! remove that and i'll kill you! ^^
talk about pics, its sucking on jesslin's thumb..through the window.
as i fall deeply in love with the woman at the toilet, i took a shot with her so that i'll remember her, forever.
now, ashley really was grumbling like mad for us to go for bugis village, so we did.
on the way there, ky and i saw our darlings.
i swear we went crazy and high and mad, if not there wouldn't be photos.
anyway as we crossed the streets, WE SAW MR SPONGEBOB GUY AGAIN!
we are so you3 yuan2 can, so we really took a photo of it this time! i love this shirt!
bugis village is nice! very. we met christopher, holding the usa-chan we gave him.
oh, anyway everybody was commenting on how cute he looked today.
maybe its the birthday glam hur.
alicia saw ORANGE adidas underwear @ 3 for $10, but since nobody wants them, she didn't get it in the end. awww...
ashley got a offshoulder shirt, and i got a..skirt. hmm, its puffy yup. lol
and a nana looking shop. its cool right! handpainted designs!
a groupshot with chris, and jesslin, i chose the picture where you looked nicer in, its the ONLY photo of you in this entire post, really.

and bugis village was just love, there's so much interesting stuff, and since i don't have time, i won't write them here.
go there and have a feel for yourself. it rocks totally.
shopped till we dropped until 6+, and it was home.
im' dead tired and its 11+ now, i'm lazy to write more.
nights and today rocked and i hate to go to school tomorrow, its a total waste of time. i swear.
bye earthlings. ITS THE END OF EXAMS
replies to tags;
ngik hiong: nooo. i totally disagree. i think that graphs r better. i dun like surds and indices!!!!!!!!
{hello ngikngik! indices are much nicer! really. i can't stand graphs! =X}
raquel: my mummy saw you today! hee hee (:
{hello raquel! yupyup! how are you anyway! ^^ goodluck for your remaining papers!}
ALICIA: hhahahahahahahhahaa! I LOVE SEOUL GARDEN!
{hello alicia! I LOVE SEOUL GARDEN TOO! HOTTIE! COOL LOVES HOT! whee! seoul garden and bugisvillage and food! :D}
{hello DEAR MR K***! hahahah, i saw alot of MS K*** clothes today yay! hahaha END OF EXAMS MYGOSHH! retarded mrk*** ^^}
ngik hiong: me love ur seal!! and i am very very bored

{hi ngik again! xD I LOVE MY SEAL TOO! and play more bunny games aye! :DD}
yay end of replies, and this proves something, when people have time, they'll tag. LOL.
nice theory. Thanks, and, BYE LOVES!
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